Collections functions
General functions
Node functions
Render functions
Theme permission functions
User functions
Resource functions



Execute a prepared statement and return the results as an array.


$sql string The SQL to execute
$parameters string array An array of parameters used in the SQL in the order: type, value, type, value... and so on. Types are as follows: i - integer, d - double, s - string, b - BLOB. Example: array("s","This is the first SQL parameter and is a string","d","This is the second parameter which is a double")
$cache string "" Disk based caching - cache the results on disk, if a cache group is specified. The group allows selected parts of the cache to be cleared by certain operations, for example clearing all cached site content whenever site text is edited.
$fetchrows integer -1 set we don't have to loop through all the returned rows. We just fetch $fetchrows row but pad the array to the full result set size with empty values.
$dbstruct boolean true Set to false to prevent the dbstruct being checked on an error - only set by operations doing exactly that to prevent an infinite loop
$logthis integer 2 No longer used
$reconnect boolean true
$fetch_specific_columns mixed false



This article was last updated 26th July 2024 21:35 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 23rd July 2024 15:30 Europe/London time.