Collections functions
General functions
Node functions
Render functions
Theme permission functions
User functions
Resource functions

Table: report

Reports as listed in the admin area.

refint(11)Auto incrementing index
namevarchar(100)Report name.
querytextSQL defining the report.
support_non_correlated_sqltinyint(1)Can this report run on search results? 1 - yes, 0 - no.

Default contents are as follows.

1Values used in resource editsSELECT TRIM( RIGHT ( diff, LENGTH ( diff ) - LOCATE ( '\n+', diff ) - 2 ) ) AS `Value`, count(*) AS `Count` FROM resource_log WHERE type = 'e' # --- date ranges # Make sure date is greater than FROM date and date > DATE('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') # Make sure date is less than TO date and date > DATE('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]') group by 1 order by 2 desc limit 5000; 0
2Keywords used in searchesselect k.keyword 'Keyword',sum(count) Searches from keyword k,daily_stat d where k.ref=d.object_ref and d.activity_type='Keyword usage' # --- date ranges # Make sure date is greater than FROM date and ( d.year>[from-y] or (d.year=[from-y] and d.month>[from-m]) or (d.year=[from-y] and d.month=[from-m] and>=[from-d]) ) # Make sure date is less than TO date and ( d.year<[to-y] or (d.year=[to-y] and d.month<[to-m]) or (d.year=[to-y] and d.month=[to-m] and<=[to-d]) ) group by k.ref order by Searches desc 0
3Resource download summary select r.ref 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = r.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) AS 'Title', count(*) Downloads from resource_log rl join resource r on rl.resource=r.ref where rl.type='d' and>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') and<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) group by r.ref order by 'Downloads' desc 0
4Resource views select r.ref 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = r.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) 'Title',sum(count) Views from resource r,daily_stat d where r.ref=d.object_ref and d.activity_type='Resource view' # --- date ranges # Make sure date is greater than FROM date and ( d.year>[from-y] or (d.year=[from-y] and d.month>[from-m]) or (d.year=[from-y] and d.month=[from-m] and>=[from-d]) ) # Make sure date is less than TO date and ( d.year<[to-y] or (d.year=[to-y] and d.month<[to-m]) or (d.year=[to-y] and d.month=[to-m] and<=[to-d]) ) group by r.ref order by Views desc; 0
5Resources sent via e-mail select r.ref 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = r.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) 'Title',sum(count) Sent from resource r,daily_stat d where r.ref=d.object_ref and d.activity_type='E-mailed resource' # --- date ranges # Make sure date is greater than FROM date and ( d.year>[from-y] or (d.year=[from-y] and d.month>[from-m]) or (d.year=[from-y] and d.month=[from-m] and>=[from-d]) ) # Make sure date is less than TO date and ( d.year<[to-y] or (d.year=[to-y] and d.month<[to-m]) or (d.year=[to-y] and d.month=[to-m] and<=[to-d]) ) group by r.ref order by Sent desc; 0
6Resources added to collection select cl.resource 'Resource', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = cl.resource AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) 'Title', count(*) 'Collection Add Count' from collection_log cl where BINARY cl.type='a' and>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') and<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) group by resource order by resource; 0
7Resources created select 'Date / Time', concat(u.username,' (',u.fullname,' )') 'Created By User', 'User Group', r.ref 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = r.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) 'Resource Title' from resource_log rl join resource r on r.ref=rl.resource left outer join user u on rl.user=u.ref left outer join usergroup g on u.usergroup=g.ref where rl.type='c' and>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') and<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) order by 0
8Resources with zero downloads select ref 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = resource.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) 'Title' from resource where ref > 0 and ref not in ( select object_ref from daily_stat WHERE activity_type='Resource download' AND ( year>[from-y] or (year=[from-y] and month>[from-m]) or (year=[from-y] and month=[from-m] and day>=[from-d]) ) AND ( year<[to-y] or (year=[to-y] and month<[to-m]) or (year=[to-y] and month=[to-m] and day<=[to-d]) ) group by object_ref ) AND DATE_FORMAT(creation_date, '%Y-%m-%d')<=date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]') AND ref>0 0
9Resources with zero views select ref 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = resource.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) 'Title' from resource where ref not in ( SELECT object_ref FROM daily_stat d WHERE d.activity_type='Resource view' AND ( year>[from-y] or (year=[from-y] and month>[from-m]) or (year=[from-y] and month=[from-m] and day>=[from-d]) ) AND ( year<[to-y] or (year=[to-y] and month<[to-m]) or (year=[to-y] and month=[to-m] and day<=[to-d]) ) group by object_ref ) AND DATE_FORMAT(creation_date, '%Y-%m-%d')<=date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]') AND ref>0 0
10Resource downloads by group select 'Group Name', count(rl.resource) 'Resource Downloads' from resource_log rl join resource r on r.ref=rl.resource left outer join user u on rl.user=u.ref left outer join usergroup g on u.usergroup=g.ref where rl.type='d' and>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') and<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) group by g.ref order by 'Resource Downloads' desc 0
11Resource download detail select 'Date / Time', concat(u.username,' (',u.fullname,' )') 'Downloaded By User', 'User Group', r.ref 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = r.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) 'Resource Title', 'Resource Type' from resource_log rl join resource r on r.ref=rl.resource left outer join user u on rl.user=u.ref left outer join usergroup g on u.usergroup=g.ref left outer join resource_type rt on r.resource_type=rt.ref where rl.type='d' and>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') and<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) order by 0
12User details including group allocationselect u.username 'Username', 'E-mail address', u.fullname 'Full Name', u.created 'Created', u.last_active 'Last Seen', 'Group name' from user u join usergroup g on u.usergroup=g.ref order by username; 0
13Expired Resources select distinct resource.ref 'Resource ID',resource.field8 'Resource Title', 'Expires' from resource join resource_node on resource.ref=resource_node.resource join node on node.ref=resource_node.node join resource_type_field on node.resource_type_field=resource_type_field.ref where resource_type_field.type=6 and>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') and<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) and length(>0 and resource.ref>0 order by resource.ref; 0
14Resources created - with thumbnails select r.ref 'thumbnail', 'Date / Time', concat(u.username,' (',u.fullname,' )') 'Created By User', 'User Group', r.ref 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = r.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) 'Resource Title' from resource_log rl join resource r on r.ref=rl.resource left outer join user u on rl.user=u.ref left outer join usergroup g on u.usergroup=g.ref where rl.type='c' and>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') and<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) order by; 0
16Database statistics select (select count(*) from resource) as 'Total resources', (select count(*) from keyword) 'Total keywords', (select count(*) from node) as 'Total nodes (field options)', (select count(*) from resource_node) as 'Resource - node (field option) relationships', (select count(*) from collection) as 'Total collections', (select count(*) from collection_resource) as 'Collection resource relationships', (select count(*) from user) as 'Total users'; 0
17Mail Log SELECT ml.ref, date, mail_to 'TO', IFNULL(u.username, 'SYSTEM') 'FROM', subject, sender_email FROM mail_log ml LEFT JOIN user u ON u.ref=ml.mail_from WHERE date>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') and date<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) ORDER BY ml.ref DESC 0
18Resource comments SELECT c.ref 'Ref', c.created 'Date', c.resource_ref 'Resource ID', c.resource_ref 'thumbnail', c.body 'Comment', ifnull(concat(u.username,' (',u.fullname,')'),concat('ANONYMOUS: ',c.fullname,' (',c.website_url,')')) 'User', ifnull(, Email FROM comment c LEFT JOIN user u ON u.ref=c.user_ref WHERE c.created>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') and c.created<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) order by c.created DESC;0
19File integrity check report SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'Oldest' AS State, ref 'Resource', ifnull(last_verified,'NEVER') 'Verified' FROM resource WHERE ref>0 AND integrity_fail=0 ORDER BY last_verified ASC LIMIT 1) AS a UNION ALL SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'Newest' AS State, ref 'Resource', ifnull(last_verified,'NEVER') 'Verified' FROM resource WHERE ref>0 AND integrity_fail=0 ORDER BY last_verified DESC LIMIT 1) AS b;0
20Request details SELECT cres.resource 'Resource ID', 'Resource Type', usreq.username 'User', req.comments 'Comments', req.created 'Date requested', req.reasonapproved 'Reason approved', CASE WHEN req.status = 0 THEN 'Pending' WHEN req.status = 1 THEN 'Approved' WHEN req.status = 2 THEN 'Declined' ELSE 'UNDEFINED' END 'Outcome', usapp.username 'Approved / Declined by' FROM request req JOIN collection_resource cres ON req.collection=cres.collection JOIN resource res ON cres.resource = res.ref JOIN resource_type typ ON res.resource_type = typ.ref JOIN user usreq ON req.user = usreq.ref LEFT OUTER JOIN user usapp ON req.approved_declined_by = usapp.ref WHERE req.created>=date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') AND req.created<=adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'),1) ORDER BY req.created desc;0
21Searches with no results SELECT logged, `user`, search_string, resource_types, archive_states, result_count FROM search_log AS sl WHERE sl.result_count = 0 AND sl.logged >= date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') AND sl.logged <= adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'), 1) ORDER BY ref DESC;0
22Resource download detail (search results) SELECT AS 'Date / Time', concat(u.username,' (',u.fullname,' )') AS 'Downloaded By User', AS 'User Group', r.ref AS 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = r.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) AS 'Resource Title', AS 'Resource Type' FROM resource_log rl JOIN resource r ON r.ref = rl.resource LEFT OUTER JOIN user u ON rl.user = u.ref LEFT OUTER JOIN usergroup g ON u.usergroup = g.ref LEFT OUTER JOIN resource_type rt ON r.resource_type = rt.ref WHERE rl.type = 'd' AND >= date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') AND <= adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'), 1) AND r.ref IN [non_correlated_sql] ORDER BY;1
23Resource download summary (search results) SELECT r.ref AS 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = r.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) AS 'Title', count(*) AS 'Downloads' FROM resource_log rl JOIN resource r on rl.resource = r.ref WHERE rl.type = 'd' AND >= date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') AND <= adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'), 1) AND r.ref IN [non_correlated_sql] GROUP BY r.ref ORDER BY 'Downloads' DESC;1
24Resources created - with thumbnails (search results) SELECT r.ref AS 'thumbnail', AS 'Date / Time', concat(u.username,' (',u.fullname,' )') AS 'Created By User', AS 'User Group', r.ref AS 'Resource ID', ( SELECT FROM resource_node rn, node n WHERE rn.resource = r.ref AND n.ref = rn.node and n.resource_type_field = [title_field] LIMIT 1 ) AS 'Resource Title' FROM resource_log AS rl JOIN resource AS r ON r.ref = rl.resource LEFT OUTER JOIN user AS u ON rl.user = u.ref LEFT OUTER JOIN usergroup AS g ON u.usergroup = g.ref WHERE rl.type = 'c' AND >= date('[from-y]-[from-m]-[from-d]') AND <= adddate(date('[to-y]-[to-m]-[to-d]'), 1) AND r.ref IN [non_correlated_sql] ORDER BY;1

Please see the schema overview for context. This document was last updated on the 26th of July 2024 at 21:35 (Europe/London time).