Collections functions
General functions
Node functions
Render functions
Theme permission functions
User functions
Resource functions



Generate an html single-select + options block

are used as the values of the options, and the values are the alternatives the user sees. (But
see $usekeys, below.) Usually a $lang entry whose value is an array of strings.
to false the values from $choices will be used for both the values of the options and the text
the user sees. Defaulted to true.
Note: onChange event will call AutoSaveConfigOption([option name])


$name string The name of the select block. Usually the name of the config variable being set.
$label string The user text displayed to label the select block. Usually a $lang string.
$current string The current value of the config variable being set.
$usekeys boolean true Tells whether to use the keys from $choices as the values of the options. If set
$width integer 420 The width of the input field in pixels. Default: 420.
$title string null Title to be used for the label title. Default: null
$autosave boolean false Flag to say whether the there should be an auto save message feedback through JS. Default: false
$on_change_js null
$hidden false
array string $choices The array of the alternatives -- the options in the select block. The keys


include/config_functions.php lines 731 to 768


function config_single_select($name$label$current$choices$usekeys true$width 420$title null$autosave false$on_change_js=null,$hidden=false)
// This is how it was used on plugins setup page. Makes sense for developers when trying to debug and not much for non-technical users
$title str_replace('%cvn'$name$lang['plugins-configvar']);
    <div class="Question" id="question_ echo $name?> if ($hidden){echo "style=\"display:none;\"";} ?> >
        <label for=" echo $name?>" title=" echo $title?>"> echo $label?></label>
            <div class="AutoSaveStatus">
                <span id="AutoSaveStatus- echo $name?>" style="display:none;"></span>
        <select id=" echo $name?>"
                name=" echo $name?>"
                 if($autosave) { ?> onChange=" echo $on_change_js?>AutoSaveConfigOption(' echo $name?>');" ?>
                style="width: echo $width?>px">
foreach($choices as $key => $choice)
$value $usekeys $key $choice;
'<option value="' $value '"' . (($current == $value) ? ' selected' '') . ">$choice</option>";
     <div class="clearerleft"></div>

This article was last updated 26th July 2024 21:35 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 16th July 2024 15:25 Europe/London time.