Collections functions
General functions
Node functions
Render functions
Theme permission functions
User functions
Resource functions



Generate an html multi-select check boxes block for selecting multiple the RS archive states.
The selections are posted as an array of the archive states
archive state.


$name string the name of the select block. Usually the name of the config variable being set.
$label string the user text displayed to label the select block. Usually a $lang string.
$width integer 300 the width of the input field in pixels. Default: 300.
array integer $current the current value of the config variable being set


include/plugin_functions.php lines 1081 to 1103


function config_multi_archive_select($name$label$current$choices$width=300)
    <div class="Question">
        <label for=" echo escape($name)?>" title=" echo escape(str_replace('%cvn'$name$lang['plugins-configvar']))?>"> echo escape($label)?></label>
        <fieldset id=" echo escape($name)?>" class="MultiRTypeSelect">
             foreach($choices as $statekey => $statename) { ?>
                <span id="archivestate echo escape($statekey?>">
                    <input type="checkbox"
                        value=" echo escape($statekey?>"
                        name=" echo escape($name) . '[]' ?>"
                        id=" echo escape($name $statekey?>
                         echo isset($current) && $current != '' && in_array($statekey,$current) ? ' checked="checked"' '' ?>>
                    <label for=" echo escape($name $statekey?>"> echo escape($statename?></label>
                    <br />
        <div class="clearerleft"></div>

This article was last updated 27th July 2024 10:35 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 24th July 2024 16:35 Europe/London time.