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Generate HTML and JavaScript for the dashboard tile toolbar.

This function renders a toolbar for a dashboard tile, providing options to delete or edit the tile,
based on the user's permissions. The toolbar appears on hover and includes JavaScript functionality
to manage tile interactions, including preventing accidental clicks on the tile itself when using the toolbar.

- 'ref' (int): Tile reference ID.
- 'all_users' (int): Flag indicating if the tile is accessible by all users.
- 'no_edit' (bool): Flag indicating if the tile is non-editable.
- 'url' (string|null): Optional URL for the tile's link.


$tile array An associative array containing information about the dashboard tile, including:
$tile_id string The unique HTML ID of the tile used for identifying elements in the toolbar.


void Outputs HTML and JavaScript directly to the page for the tile toolbar.


include/dash_functions.php lines 1812 to 1911


function generate_dash_tile_toolbar(array $tile$tile_id)
$editlink $baseurl_short "pages/dash_tile.php?edit=" . (int) $tile['ref'];
$managed_home_dash && (checkPermission_dashadmin() || checkPermission_dashuser()))
        <div id="DashTileActions_ echo substr($tile_id18); ?>" class="DashTileActions"  style="display:none;">
        <div class="tool dash-delete_ echo substr($tile_id18); ?>">
            <a href="#">
                <span> echo LINK_CARET ?> echo escape($lang['action-delete']); ?></span>
if((checkPermission_dashadmin() || (isset($tile['all_users']) && $tile['all_users'] == 0)) && !(isset($tile['no_edit']) && $tile['no_edit']))
            <div class="tool edit">
                <a href=" echo $editlink ?>" onClick="return CentralSpaceLoad(this,true);">
                    <span> echo LINK_CARET ?> echo escape($lang['action-edit']); ?></span>

    jQuery(document).ready(function ()
        if (pagename == "home")
            var tileid = " echo (int) $tile["ref"]; ?>"; //Needs to be set for delete functionality
            var usertileid = " echo escape(substr($tile_id18)); ?>" //Needs to be set for delete functionality
            var usertileidname = "# echo escape(substr($tile_id9)); ?>";
            var dashtileactionsid = "#DashTileActions_" + usertileid;
            var deletetileid = ".dash-delete_" + usertileid;
            var editlink = " echo isset($tile["url"]) ? $tile["url"] : ""?>";
            var tilehref; //Used to switch off and on tile link to stop issue clicking on tool bar but opening tile link
            var tileonclick; //Used to switch off and on tile link to stop issue clicking on tool bar but opening tile link
                jQuery(dashtileactionsid).stop(true, true).slideDown();
                jQuery(dashtileactionsid).stop(true, true).slideUp();
                tilehref = jQuery(usertileidname).attr("href");
                tileonclick = jQuery(usertileidname).attr("onclick");
                jQuery(usertileidname).attr("href", "#");
                jQuery(usertileidname).attr("onclick", "return false;");
                jQuery(usertileidname).attr("href", tilehref);
                jQuery(usertileidname).attr("onclick", tileonclick);
                tilehref = '';
                tileonclick = '';
                function(event,ui) {
                    if(jQuery(usertileidname).hasClass("allUsers")) {
                        // This tile is set for all users so provide extra options
                         render_delete_dialog_JS(true); ?>
                    else {
                        //This tile belongs to this user only
                         render_delete_dialog_JS(false); ?>
#Only show dialog to delete for this user
                    var dialog =  render_delete_dialog_JS(false); 

This article was last updated 15th January 2025 15:35 Europe/London time based on the source file dated 12th December 2024 19:40 Europe/London time.