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ResourceSpace software design principles

ResourceSpace, an open-source digital asset management software, has outlined its design principles for developers. The principles include the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) principle, which advises against implementing complex solutions when a simple one will suffice, and avoiding introducing new technology when existing technology will suffice.



The article provides information for developers interested in working with ResourceSpace, an open source project written in PHP and Javascript. The code is freely available to browse via SVN, and the article provides links to the project structure and database schema.


Coding standards v1.3

The article provides coding standards for developers working on the ResourceSpace project. The standards cover various aspects of coding, including security, documentation, functionality, PHP version, MySQL strict mode, backward compatibility, file format, coding style, indentation, line length, control structures, function calls, function definitions, MySQL statements, readability of code blocks, returning early, and avoiding cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.


 Customising the interface colours, logo and favicon

This article explains how to customise the interface colours, logo and favicon in a system. To do this, navigate to Admin -> System -> System configuration and open the User interface section. From there, you can change the colours for various areas of the system by ticking the check box next to each description and choosing a colour from the colour picker that appears.


 Adobe link

This plugin allows you to import files from ResourceSpace directly into Adobe InDesign and Photoshop.


Access control

The article discusses access control and how it enforces policies to prevent users from acting outside of their intended permissions. Failures in access control can lead to unauthorized information disclosure, modification or destruction of data, or performing a business function outside of the limits of the user.


User guides

Introduction to the user guides section of the ResourceSpace Knowledge Base


Knowledge Base structure

Article to explain how the ResourceSpace Knowledge Base is structured to assist with finding content specific for the reader


Searching in ResourceSpace

The ResourceSpace search feature is a powerful tool that allows users to quickly find the resources they need. Users can start with a broad search and then refine the results to find the most relevant content.


Youtube publish

The YouTube Publish plugin allows users to publish video resources to a configured YouTube account. The plugin uploads data and has configurable mapped fields to automatically add descriptions, titles, and tags.


Writing your own plugins

A plugin in ResourceSpace is a collection of PHP code, language files, graphics, CSS files and other related files that are structured to conform to the ResourceSpace plugin architecture. For deployment, the files that constitute a plugin are packaged together into a self-contained file called a ResourceSpace Plugin (.


KE EMu database integration

KE EMu is a multi-user and object-oriented database management system that uses a Texpress database engine. The Texpress kernel has features that allow for easy creation and use of applications, accessed via a range of applications.



ResourceSpace implements a RESTful API that returns JSON. All requests must be signed using a shared private key specific to each user. This can be performed via GET or POST.


Managing plugins

ResourceSpace is a digital asset management system that can be extended or modified using plugins. Plugins have a managed structure that makes it easy for third parties to write and for site administrators to maintain, even as function and bug fixes are applied to the base code.


Configuring for multi-client use

The article provides a method for setting up ResourceSpace as an environment where multiple users can use the system, but their resources remain private from each other. The method involves creating a new global field called 'client' that can be attached to all types of resources.


 StaticSync - keep your files in situ

StaticSync is a tool that allows users to keep their files in situ, meaning that they can remain in their existing folder structure. It is not intended to be used as a way to store resources externally to increase storage capability.


Google VR View

Google VR View is a plugin that displays previews of 360-degree images and videos using the Google VR View browser API. The plugin is supported on modern versions of Chrome, Opera, Safari, Firefox, IE 11 and Edge on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS.


Falcon link

The Falcon Link plugin allows users to publish resources as templates in However, users must have an account with to use this plugin. The plugin creates a share link with no expiration date instead of copying the file itself when a resource is published to Falcon.



IIIF is an API specification that aims to improve interoperability between digital image repositories. ResourceSpace provides basic support for the IIIF presentation API, which was originally created to link with the TMS plugin to enable publishing of resources related to a specified TMS object as a IIIF manifest.


 Image banks

The Image Banks plugin allows users to search external image banks for photos without having to navigate manually to the external system. Users can run searches in the external image bank using the simple search box and the dropdown selector called "Search external image banks".


Upload here

ResourceSpace has introduced a new feature called "Upload here" that helps users create new resources based on a recent advanced search. The feature directs users to the upload page where the options will have been automatically selected, meaning they can easily add more resources that this metadata set describes.



The Checkmail plugin has been developed to expand ResourceSpace's capabilities by enabling the ingestion of resources using email. The plugin allows devices to contribute digital assets to the system, and provides advanced configuration options and the ability to handle a wide range of email types.



MuseumPlus is a web-based museum management system that provides real-time museum management and fully documents any type of collection and all related workflow. The system can be integrated with ResourceSpace, a digital asset management system, through its API.


Context help links

Context Help links can be added to pages to link to a relevant Knowledge Base page. These links open Knowledge Base in a modal or new page and are enabled by default on a ResourceSpace system but can be disabled by setting $contextual_help_links=false.


The Complete Guide to Developing Your Brand Guidelines

Your brand characterises your business. Without it, your products and services become indistinguishable from those offered by competitors.



Injection attacks are a type of attack vector that occur when an attacker can send hostile data to an interpreter as part of a command or query, which alters the execution of that program. The most common injection flaws are cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injections (SQLi), command injections which can lead to remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities, and LDAP injections.


ResourceSpace Plugins

Explore the range of plugins that are available to expand ResourceSpace's base functionality, including integrations with third party software and systems.


Query caching

Query caching is a technique that can be used to cache the results of selected queries to disk. This is useful where the same query is likely to be called a large number of times, for example, queries that are common across several pages and the same for large groups of users.


Database schema

Database schema for ResourceSpace.


Project structure

A breakdown of the folders used within ResourceSpace, and their typical contents and function.


Fixed list fields

ResourceSpace has various metadata field types, including text boxes, check box lists, dropdown lists, date fields, category trees, and radio button lists. Some of these fields can have their options defined by an administrator of the system, and these fields are called fixed list fields.


Anonymous access

ResourceSpace has introduced anonymous access, which allows non-registered users to access the system without requiring a login. The feature is useful for those who frequently work with third-party agencies and do not want to create new user accounts, or for those who want to make selected resources available to the public.



The article provides information on the "get_collection" function, which is used to retrieve collection details. The function requires administrator access and takes the collection ID as input. The return values include the collection owner's name, description, public/private status, and thumbnail image reference.



The get_nodes function retrieves all nodes from a database for a specific metadata field or parent. The function takes several parameters, including the ID of the metadata field, the ID of the parent node, a boolean flag to indicate whether to retrieve children nodes, an offset value to specify the first row to return, a maximum number of rows to return, a filter by name of node, a flag to show how many resources use a particular node in the node properties, and a flag to order by translated names rather than the order_by column.


 The Digital Asset Management Buyer's Guide

In this guide we look at what DAM software actually is, the problems it solves and some questions to ask a vendor before making a buying decision.


Integrating ResourceSpace with BrandStencil

Instantly create marketing materials from templates using your DAM images thanks to ResourceSpace's integration with BrandStencil.


Integrating ResourceSpace with RightMarket

Create branded marketing materials, including posters, social graphics or point of sale materials, with ResourceSpace's RightMarket integration.


Managing resource requests notifications

Resource requests notifications in ResourceSpace v10+ can now be managed using a metadata field value. The metadata field is designated to hold information that the system can use to determine the user group responsible for a resource.


What is Digital Asset Management?

Digital Asset Management is critical for managing and securing digital assets. Explore the benefits of DAM, its use cases, and how it streamlines asset management.


Do you need a Digital Asset Management system? Find out here.

A Digital Asset Management (DAM) system can help organizations overcome various challenges related to managing digital assets. These challenges may include difficulties in finding specific files, using outdated assets, licensing and copyright issues, and sharing large files with external contacts.


A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Curation: Tools and Techniques

Explore the world of digital curation. Learn about the concepts, tools, and techniques used to curate and preserve historical and culturally significant assets.


How do I create a new user group?

The article provides instructions on how to create a new user group. To do this, the user needs to go to the Admin section, then navigate to System and User groups. In the "Create user group called..." field, the user can enter the name of the new group and click "Create".



The "get_edit_access" function is used to check if the current user has edit access to a resource. It checks both the edit permissions and the group edit filter. The function takes a resource ID as a parameter and returns TRUE if the user has edit access to the resource, and FALSE otherwise.


LinkrUI for Adobe

LinkrUI for Adobe is a Connector plugin that integrates ResourceSpace with Adobe software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere Pro, and After Effects. This integration allows users to easily search, open, and place assets stored in ResourceSpace directly into their Adobe applications.



The article discusses the function "toggle_active_state_for_nodes," available from version 10.4+ and requiring permission "k." It involves toggling nodes' active state, with a list of node IDs as input.


Table: activity_log

The article describes the structure of the "activity_log" table, which is used to log all user activity across the system. The table contains several columns, including "ref", which is an auto-incrementing index, "logged", which records the date and time of the activity, "user", which refers to the user who performed the activity, and "log_code", which is a single character code defining the type of activity.


Table: annotation

This article provides a table called "annotation" that is used for resource annotations. The table contains columns such as "ref", "resource", "resource_type_field", "user", "x", "y", "width", "height", and "page".


Table: annotation_node

The article provides information about the "annotation_node" table, which is a join table that connects resource annotations to keyword nodes for annotating resources with fixed list metadata. The table has two columns: "annotation" and "node," both of which are of type "int(11).


Table: collection

This article provides a table that outlines the structure of a collection in ResourceSpace, which is a group of resources. The table includes columns such as ref, name, user, created, public, theme, theme2, theme3, allow_changes, cant_delete, keywords, savedsearch, home_page_publish, home_page_text, home_page_image, session_id, description, type, parent, thumbnail_selection_method, bg_img_resource_ref, and order_by.


Table: collection_keyword

The collection_keyword table is a join table that connects collections with keywords to enable rapid collection searching. It contains two columns: collection and keyword, both of which are of type int(11).


Table: collection_log

The collection_log table is a log of all activity related to a collection. It contains an auto-incrementing index, date, user, collection, type, resource, and notes. The user and collection columns reference the user and collection tables, respectively, while the resource column references the resource table.


Table: collection_resource

The article provides a table called "collection_resource" that defines the contents of a collection. The table consists of 11 columns, including "collection," "resource," "date_added," "comment," "rating," "use_as_theme_thumbnail" and "sortorder.


Table: collection_savedsearch

The article provides information about the "collection_savedsearch" table, which is a list of saved searches that can exist within collections. The table has several columns, including "ref," which is an auto-incrementing index, "collection," which refers to the collection table, "search," which is the search string, "restypes," which is the resource types used when searching, "starsearch," which is an integer value, "archive," which is a comma-separated list of workflow states, "created," which is the date created, and "result_limit," which is the maximum number of results to return.


Table: comment

This article provides a table schema for the ResourceSpace software's comment feature. The table is called "comment" and contains columns such as "ref" (an auto-incrementing index), "ref_parent" (the reference of the parent comment), "created" (the timestamp of when the comment was created), "hide" (a boolean value indicating whether the comment should be hidden), "collection_ref" (the reference of the collection the comment is associated with), "resource_ref" (the reference of the resource the comment is associated with), "user_ref" (the reference of the user who created the comment), "fullname" (the full name of an external commenter), "email" (the email of an external commenter), "website_url" (the website URL of an external commenter), and "body" (the text of the comment).


Table: daily_stat

The article describes the structure of the "daily_stat" table, which is used to store daily statistics grouped by day, user group, and activity type. The table has columns for the year, month, and day when the activity took place, the user group that carried out the activity, the activity type code, the ID of the table in question, the count of how many times the activity was carried out on the object in the day in question by any user, and whether the activity happened via an external share.


Table: dash_tile

The article provides a table schema for the "dash_tile" table, which is used to display dash tiles on the home page. The table contains columns such as "ref" for an auto-incrementing index, "title" for the title text, "txt" for the tile text, "all_users" to indicate if the tile is published to all users, "default_order_by" for the default order, "url" for the anchor link href URL, "link" for the link text, "reload_interval_secs" for the reload interval in seconds, "resource_count" to indicate the number of resources if the tile is a search/collection tile, and "allow_delete" to indicate if the tile can be deleted.


Table: dynamic_tree_node

The dynamic_tree_node table is a list of nodes used for category trees. It has four columns: ref, resource_type_field, parent, and name. The ref column is an auto-incrementing index, while the resource_type_field column refers to the resource_type_field table.


Table: external_access_keys

The article provides a table called "external_access_keys" that is used for externally sharing resources. The table contains several columns, including "resource," which refers to the resource being shared, "access_key," which is the external access key, "user," which refers to the user who created the share, "usergroup," which refers to the user group that the share belongs to, "collection," which refers to the collection that the share belongs to, "request_feedback," which is a boolean value that determines whether external contacts can provide feedback when accessing the share, "email," which is the email address that the share was created for, "date," which is the date the share was created, "lastused," which is the date the share was last accessed, "access," which is the access level (0 for open, 1 for restricted), "expires," which is the share expiration date, "password_hash," which is the hash of the share password (NULL if not set), and "upload," which is set to 0 for standard external view access share and 1 for an external upload share for a collection.


Table: filter

This article provides a table definition for the "filter" table, which is used for search, edit, and derestrict filters on user groups. The table has three columns: "ref," which is an auto-incrementing index; "name," which is the name of the filter; and "filter_condition," which defines which rules must be met to satisfy the filter.


Table: filter_rule

The "filter_rule" table is a part of the ResourceSpace database schema and defines the rules that make up a filter. It has two columns: "ref" and "filter". The "ref" column is an auto-incrementing index, while the "filter" column is a reference to the "filter" table.


Table: filter_rule_node

The article provides a table called "filter_rule_node" that defines the nodes and conditions that make up a filter rule. The table has three columns: "filter_rule," "node_condition," and "node." The "filter_rule" column is an integer that refers to the "filter_rule" table, while the "node_condition" column is a boolean that indicates whether the given node is required to be present or absent to satisfy the rule.


Table: ip_lockout

The article provides information about the "ip_lockout" table, which is used for denying access after a certain number of invalid login attempts. The table has three columns: "ip" for storing the client IP address, "tries" for storing the number of login attempts, and "last_try" for storing the time and date of the last attempt.


Table: job_queue

The job_queue table is a list of active offline jobs such as preview processing. It contains several columns, including ref, which is an auto-incrementing index, type, which is the job type, job_data, which is the JSON-encoded job data, start_date, which is the earliest time to start the job, user, which is the user ID, status, which is the job status code, success_text, which is the text to include in the message if the job completes successfully, failure_text, which is the text to include in the message if the job fails, job_code, which is a unique hash used to prevent duplicate jobs, and priority, which is the job priority.


Table: keyword

Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 13661 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.


Table: keyword_related

The "keyword_related" table defines related keywords in ResourceSpace. When a keyword is searched for, related keywords are also searched for. The table has two columns: "keyword" and "related". The "keyword" column is of type int(11) and refers to the "keyword" table.


Table: mail_log

The mail_log table is a log that stores all emails sent, mainly for diagnosis purposes. It has six columns: ref, date, mail_to, mail_from, subject, and sender_email. The ref column is an auto-incrementing index, while the date column stores the date and time the email was sent.


Table: message

The "message" table is a database table used for user messages, which can be used for system and user-to-user messaging. The table has several columns, including "ref," which is an auto-incrementing index, "created," which is a datetime column, and "owner," which is a reference to the user who owns the message.


Table: node

Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 10911 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.


Table: node_keyword

Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 12343 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.


Table: plugins

The article provides a table named "plugins" that lists all active plugins on the system and stores their configuration. The table has several columns, including name, descrip, author, update_url, info_url, inst_version, config, config_json, config_url, enabled_groups, priority, disable_group_select, title, and icon.


Table: preview_size

The article provides a table called "preview_size" that defines the preview sizes used for resource preview and thumbnail generation. The table has ten columns, including an auto-incrementing index, a short code, width and height in pixels, a boolean value to add padding to make the image the required size, a friendly name, a boolean value for system use to prevent deletion, and two boolean values to show a link to preview this size on the resource view page and allow users with restricted access to see this preview size.


Table: report

Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 4846 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.


Table: report_periodic_emails

The report_periodic_emails table is a database table in ResourceSpace that stores information about users who have subscribed to receive a report regularly. The table has several columns, including ref, user, send_all_users, user_groups, report, period, email_days, last_sent, and search_params.


Table: report_periodic_emails_unsubscribe

The article provides a table report_periodic_emails_unsubscribe, which lists the users who have unsubscribed from a periodic email. The table has three columns: id, user_id, and periodic_email_id. The id column is an integer type, while the user_id and periodic_email_id columns are both of integer type and refer to the user and periodic email tables, respectively.


Table: request

The "request" table is a database table in ResourceSpace that tracks resource requests made by users with restricted access and fulfilled by admin users. The table has several columns, including "ref," which is an auto-incrementing index, "user," which refers to the user who made the request, and "collection," which refers to the collection the requested resource belongs to.


Table: research_request

The article provides information about the "research_request" table, which is used in ResourceSpace, a digital asset management system. The table stores information related to research requests, which are requests for appropriate resources for a project.


Table: resource

The article provides a table of the resource, which is the central record within ResourceSpace mapping to a single asset/file. The table includes various columns such as ref, title, resource_type, has_image, is_transcoding, hit_count, new_hit_count, creation_date, rating, user_rating, user_rating_count, user_rating_total, country, file_extension, preview_extension, image_red, image_green, image_blue, thumb_width, thumb_height, archive, access, colour_key, created_by, file_path, file_modified, file_checksum, request_count, expiry_notification_sent, preview_tweaks, geo_lat, geo_long, mapzoom, disk_usage, disk_usage_last_updated, file_size, preview_attempts, modified, last_verified, integrity_fail, and lock_user.


Table: resource_alt_files

The article provides information about the "resource_alt_files" table in ResourceSpace, which is used to store alternative files for a resource. The table contains columns such as "ref" (an auto-incrementing index), "resource" (a reference to the main resource), "name" (the name of the alternative file), "description" (a description of the alternative file), "file_name" (the name of the file), "file_extension" (the file extension), "file_size" (the size of the file), "creation_date" (the date the file was created), "unoconv" (a flag indicating whether the file has been processed by ResourceSpace's unoconv extension), "alt_type" (the type of alternative file), and "page_count" (the total number of pages in a multi-page document).


Table: resource_custom_access

The article provides information about the resource_custom_access table in ResourceSpace, which defines custom access for a resource. This table contains four columns, including resource, usergroup, user, access, and user_expires.


Table: resource_data

The resource_data table is a database table in ResourceSpace that stores free text metadata for a resource. It has three columns: resource, resource_type_field, and value. The resource column is a foreign key that references the resource table, while the resource_type_field column is a foreign key that references the resource_type_field table.


Table: resource_dimensions

The article provides information about the "resource_dimensions" table, which is a part of the ResourceSpace database schema. This table contains additional metrics for a resource, including width, height, file size, resolution, unit information, and total page count for multi-page previews.


Table: resource_keyword

The article provides information about the "resource_keyword" table, which is used to store indexed keywords for free text metadata. The table has six columns, including "resource," which is a foreign key referencing the "resource" table, and "keyword," which is a foreign key referencing the "keyword" table.


Table: resource_log

The resource_log table is used to log all activity related to a resource in ResourceSpace. It contains an auto-incrementing index, the date the log was recorded, the user who performed the action, the resource that was affected, the type of log, and any notes related to the log.


Table: resource_node

The resource_node table in ResourceSpace links fixed metadata nodes with resources to store metadata for fixed metadata types such as dropdowns. The table has three columns: resource, node, and hit_count.


Table: resource_related

The "resource_related" table defines related resources in ResourceSpace. It has two columns: "resource" and "related". The "resource" column is an integer that refers to the ID of the resource in the "resource" table.


Table: resource_type

This article provides a table of the resource_type database schema used in ResourceSpace, a digital asset management system. The resource_type table contains information about the types of resources, such as photo, video, or case study, and determines the metadata fields that a resource has.


Table: resource_type_field

Array ( [error] => Array ( [message] => This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens. However, your messages resulted in 10794 tokens. Please reduce the length of the messages.


Table: site_text

The site_text table is used to store any custom site text that the user has entered, replacing that stored in the language folder. The table has six columns: page, name, text, ref, language, and specific_to_group.


Table: slideshow

The Table: slideshow is a database table that stores the images used in the home page slideshow of a website. The table has four columns: ref, resource_ref, homepage_show, and featured_collections_show.


Table: sysvars

The article provides information about the sysvars table, which is used by upgrade scripts and other non-user functions. The table has two columns: name and value. The name column is of type varchar(50) and represents the variable name, while the value column is of type text and represents the value of the variable.


Table: user

The "user" table in ResourceSpace stores all user information, including their username, password, full name, email address, user group, and last activity date. It also includes information on whether the user is currently logged in, their browser user agent string, and their IP address.


Table: user_collection

The article provides information about the user_collection table, which is used to determine which internal users a collection has been shared with. The table has three columns: user, collection, and request_feedback.


Table: user_dash_tile

The article provides a table schema for the user_dash_tile table in ResourceSpace. This table defines which dash tiles are available to a user and allows for the customization of the order in which they appear.


Table: user_message

The article provides information about the user_message table, which is used to define which users will see a message and which have seen it. The table has three columns: ref, user, and message. The ref column is an auto-incrementing index, while the user column refers to the user table, and the message column refers to the message table.


Table: user_preferences

The user_preferences table stores all user preferences and system configurations. It has three columns: ref, user, parameter, and value. The ref column is an auto-incrementing index, while the user column refers to the user table.


Table: user_rating

The article provides information about the user_rating table in ResourceSpace's database schema. This table stores user ratings for a given resource, with columns for the user ID, rating (out of 5), and resource ID.


Table: user_report

The article provides a table schema for the user_report table, which is used to store user-specific report parameters. The table has four columns: ref, name, user, and params. The ref column is an auto-incrementing index, while the name column stores the name of the report.


Table: user_userlist

The article provides information about the user_userlist table, which is used for creating custom lists of users if $sharing_userlists is enabled. The table has four columns, including ref, user, userlist_name, and userlist_string.


Table: usergroup

The article provides a table called "usergroup" that defines user groups. The table contains several columns, including "ref," which is an auto-incrementing index, "name," which is the name of the user group, and "permissions," which is a list of permissions that the user group has.


Table: usergroup_collection

The usergroup_collection table is a database table in ResourceSpace that stores collections shared with user groups. It has three columns: usergroup, collection, and request_feedback. The usergroup column is an integer that references the usergroup table, which contains information about user groups.


Table: usergroup_dash_tile

The usergroup_dash_tile table is a configuration table in ResourceSpace that stores dash tiles for user groups. It has five columns, including an auto-incrementing index, usergroup, dash_tile, default_order_by, and order_by.


Table: search_log

Search log. Log every search made by the system. Column Type Note ref int(11) Auto incrementing index search_string mediumtext Actual search string resource_types mediumtext Resource types filter archive_states mediumtext Archive states filter logged datetime Date and time of search user int(11) User executing the search result_count int(11) Result count This table is empty by default.


Table: tab

This article provides information about the "tab" table, which is used for organising metadata fields on the edit and view pages. The table has three columns: "ref", which is an auto-incrementing index; "name", which is a varchar(255) type; and "order_by", which is an integer type.


Table: resource_type_field_resource_type

Links resource_type_field records to resource_type. Used when the global column in resource_type_field is set to 0; Column Type Note resource_type_field int(11) See table resource_type_field resource_type int(11) See table resource_type Default contents are as follows.



Developer reference for function config_text_input()



Developer reference for function config_colouroverride_input()



Developer reference for function config_single_select()



Developer reference for function config_boolean_select()



Developer reference for function bypass_permissions()



Developer reference for function strip_tags_and_attributes()



Developer reference for function set_resource_defaults()



Developer reference for function get_advanced_search_fields()


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The most frequently asked questions about ResourceSpace, the free and open source Digital Asset Management system.



Description Query helper to ensure code honours the database schema constraints on text columns. IMPORTANT: please use where appropriate! In some cases, truncating may mean losing useful information (e.



Description Debug log tracked variables (as configured in System > System console). IMPORTANT: the debug log will contain the JSON encoded version of the tracked variable. For further analysis, just copy the value (ie.