
Installing on macOS

Install Homebrew

Follow the instructions on to install Homebrew.

Install programs and dependencies

Run the following from the Terminal

brew update
brew install imagemagick httpd mysql subversion ghostscript antiword exiftool wget ffmpeg poppler
brew install --cask inkscape
brew install php

Install PHP extensions using pecl

pecl install Apcu
pecl install intl
pecl install json
pecl install zip

Enable PHP in Apache

Add the following to httpd.conf:

LoadModule php_module $HOMEBREW_PREFIX/opt/php@8.1/lib/httpd/modules/

  SetHandler application/x-httpd-php

Also, check DirectoryIndex includes index.php:

DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

Restart Apache

sudo apachectl restart

Configure PHP

Configuring the php.ini file

Create database

Log into MySQL as the root user:

mysql -u root -p 

Then create the database and database users.

Checkout ResourceSpace

cd /usr/local/var/www
mkdir resourcespace
cd resourcespace
svn co .

See SVN checkout for more information.

mkdir filestore
sudo chmod 777 filestore
sudo chmod -R 777 include

Finish installation via web browser

Access the server address (e.g. localhost) via a web browser to resume the setup.

Review installation overview to help fix any warnings/errors on the setup page.

Use the resourcespace_rw user as the "MySQL username" and resourcespace_r user as the "MySQL read-only username".

Set up the cron job for relevance matching and periodic emails

Please refer to Setting up scheduled tasks/cron

Set the file and folder permissions

Change the permission for the include folder to 750

sudo chmod -R 750 include/

Set the user group for all files to be www-data

cd ..
sudo chgrp -R www-data resourcespace/

Set up Apache correctly

Configuring Apache