ResourceSpace plugin for WordPress

Please note that this is a WordPress plugin that needs to be installed and runs on WordPress, not on ResourceSpace and requires access to the ResourceSpace API which isn't available on our Free or Team Cloud packages.

A WordPress plugin that allows you to embed resource files from ResourceSpace in your posts is now available. Thanks to ADRA International for funding this development by Codecide.

To install and configure the plugin please follow the instructions below. Please refer to the GitLab project site here for the latest source code and information

  1. Download the WordPress plugin zip file here.
  2. Navigate to Plugins->Add plugins from the WordPress Admin menu and click 'Upload plugin', or manually upload the zip file to the wp-content/plugins directory of the your WordPress installation.
  3. Activate the 'ResourceSpace' plugin under the plugins menu.
  4. From the WordPress administration panel, visit the ResourceSpace Options screen.
  5. Under the API Details section, enter the user credentials. The ResourceSpace Key can be retrieved by visiting your ResourceSpace site and navigating to: Admin -> Users -> {username} and copying the 'Private API Key'.
  6. Click 'Save' to apply the changes.
  7. Under the Role Access section, enable the user roles that will be able to access the remote resources.
  8. Under the Media Library Fields Map section, use the drop-down selections (right column) to map the Media library fields. This will be used to fill the standard WordPress Media Library fields when importing a resource from the ResourceSpace repository.
  9. Under the Search Form Setup section, add to the common search fields (left column) by dragging from the list of available custom fields on your ResourceSpace instance (right column).
  10. Save the changes.

Using ResourceSpace resources in WordPress

Users can add resources to their pages, posts or other custom content using shortcodes generated from the ResourceSpace panel within the admin section, or from the block or classic editor options.

A ResourceSpace tab in the Media Library allow users to copy resources to the local server or to embed a resource using a generated shortcode. The shortcodes support CSS properties as arguments, if and when those need to be updated manually.