Special search terms

Special search terms help users to find content in a much more specific and controlled manner, either through giving them extra tools or using a prebuilt search.


Special search tools

You can extend your keyword searches by using the following tools:

Full string matching
Putting your search into "" will help match a specific sequence of keywords rather than all of them in any order.
Example: "cat and dog" will match a resource containing "cat and dog" but not "dog and cat". Without the quote marks, both would match.

Adding an asterisk to a keyword will enable the wildcard function.
Example: searching for "cat*" will return matches for cat, catch, catamaran, and so on.

Specific field value(s) match
You can search only within a specific field by typing the shorthand name of the field, add a colon (ie. ":") and then the values you are looking for. It is usually used with fixed list fields.

Syntax: [field shorthand name]:[value[; value2; value3]]
Example - single value: You want to retrieve all resources that have the field Country set to United Kingdom. Searching for "country:united kingdom" in simple search will bring back those resources.
Example - multiple values: You want to retrieve all resources that have the field Country set to United Kingdom or Spain or even both. Searching for "country:united kingdom;spain" in simple search will bring back those resources.

Special searches

Special searches enable the user to find content based upon specific criteria without having to search within a particular field. Special searches must come first in the string, and they should be able to be appended with qualifying keywords.

Last added
Displays selected number of last added resources.
Syntax: !last[quantity]
Example: !last10

No downloads
Searches for Resources that have never been downloaded.
Syntax: !nodownloads

Allows you to search for duplicate images within ResourceSpace. This checks all images within the system so depending on your permissions you may not be able to see all the duplicate resources in the search results.

Syntax: !duplicates
System Requirements: File_checksums must be enabled in system configuration.

Searches for resources within a specified collection.
Syntax: !collection[ref]
Example: !collection12

Searches for resources that have been related to the resource with the supplied id.
Syntax: !related[ref]
Example: !related34

Resources pending archive
Display a list of all resources pending archive. This will apply normal filtering rules for permissions and group settings.
Syntax: !archivepending

Resources pending review
Finds user contributed resources that are currently pending review.
Syntax: !userpending

Resources not in any collections
Retrieves resources that have not been used in a collection. This is a system wide search on resources.
Syntax: !unused

Resource ID list search
Will retrieve a list of resources based on the provided resource refs.
Syntax: !list[refs colon separated]
Example: !list1334:1335:1336:1337:1338

Resources without a preview
Retrieves resources that currently have no preview available.
Syntax: !nopreview

Resources with empty field
Show Resources with no data in the specified field specified by the field ID. This will require access to the system setup to find out the field ID. Please note: via simple search the results will be that of your default search status e.g. resources in the "Active" state. For more control over what is searched please use the advanced search functionality.
Syntax: !empty[fieldref]
Example: !empty54

Resources with data in field
Show all resources that have data in the field specified. This will require access to the system setup to find out the field ID.
Syntax: !hasdata[fieldref]
Example: !hasdata54

Locked resources
Show all resources that have been locked
Syntax: !locked

Excluding terms from your search

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Exclude specific terms from your search results
Syntax: marketing -advertising