Managing external shares

Managing external shares

You can manage your external shares by clicking on the user menu and selecting 'My shares'. Administrators can manage all existing shares via the 'External shares' link under the admin menu

The page shows the following information

  • Delete
  • Collection ID (collection shares)
  • Resource ID (individual resource shares)
  • Shared as (the usergroup used for the share)
  • Email - the email the link was sent to (when emailing directly from ResourceSpace),
  • Created by - the user that created the job (admins only)
  • Expires
  • Created
  • Last used
  • Access key - this links directly to the share
  • Share type (view/upload)

The delete column has a checkbox for selecting shares to be deleted

The tools column has the following options

  • Delete the share
  • Edit share

Filtering the shares viewable

The page allows you to filter the shares by collection, user group and share type. To apply the filter click on the 'Filter' button. To reset the filter click on the 'Clear' button

Bulk shares deletion

There is a bulk option labelled "Delete selected" for deleting multiple shares

This option is only shown if one or more shares has its delete checkbox ticked

Purging expired shares

The page allows you to delete all expired shares. To do so simply click on the 'Delete expired shares' link