
Installing on CentOS Linux

NOTE: The ResourceSpace team does not actively monitor this guide and this article may be out of date.

Install from the command line:

yum update

To install the mysql-server you must include the MySQL Community Repo first. Visit the MySQL Yum Repository download site and find the .rpm file you need. You can download the file from the command line using wget (example shown using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 / Oracle Linux 7):


Once the .rpm file has been downloaded it can then be installed:

sudo yum localinstall mysql80-community-release-el7-1.noarch.rpm

Then install this list of packages:

yum install mysql-community-server 
yum install httpd php php-dev php-gd php-mysql php-mbstring subversion
yum install vim nano
yum install ghostscript

To install ImageMagick, you need to install the prerequisites, then install it:

yum install php-pear gcc php-devel php-pear
yum install ImageMagick

Instead of installing xpdf, on CentOS we will use poppler, which is a fork of xpdf.

yum install poppler

To install antiword, ExifTool and FFmpeg we need to configure yum with the CERT Forensics Tools x86_64 and Nux Dextop x86_64 repository and then install them.

Follow the instructions for CentOS on this link and in Step 4 choose the option "sudo yum install CERT-Forensics-Tools" to install all the required tools.

Don't forget to change php.ini: Note: choose a good value for your system

memory_limit = 999M
post_max_size 999M
upload_max_filesize 999M

Create database

Log into MySQL as the root user:

mysql -u root -p 

Then create the database and database users.

Proceed to check out ResourceSpace:

cd /var/www
svn co .
cd resourcespace
mkdir filestore
chmod -R 777 filestore
chmod -R 777 include

Run the setup and don't forget to change back the permissions on include folder

Set up Apache 

Configuring Apache

Finish installation via web browser

Access the server address (e.g. localhost) via a web browser to resume the setup.

Review installation overview to help fix any warnings/errors on the setup page.

Use the resourcespace_rw user as the "MySQL username" and resourcespace_r user as the "MySQL read-only username".

Set up the cron job for relevance matching and periodic emails

Please refer to Setting up scheduled tasks/cron