How do I publish resources that have been uploaded in bulk?

If you navigate to the ‘Actions’ area in your profile area, you’ll see three options at the top of the page.

The first option will take you to manage your preferences. The second option will add all of the editable resources in your actions list into a collection. Clicking the third option will take you to view all of the resources that are ready to review as a result set. 

Whether you choose the second option, to add the resources to a collection, or the third one to view them as a result set, you can select ‘Publish’ via the Actions menu to approve them all in bulk. 

This will either be from the collection bar, or from the main results page if viewing them as a result set. 

A speedy way to review the metadata for a batch of resources is to bring up a single preview from the results page. From here, you can use the arrows at the top right of the popup window to 'scroll' through the resources - any edits will be saved as you go.