
Uploads a new remote file to an existing resource, replacing any file that is already attached.

Variable Description Data type Default
$ref * The ID of the resource, which must already exist (see create_resource()). integer
$no_exif Do not process embedded metadata. Leave blank for the default (to process data). bit (0 or 1) 0
$revert Do not upload a new file, but re-process the existing file as if it has been uploaded again. Useful for re-processing embedded metadata, e.g. after changing the field mappings. bit (0 or 1) 0
$autorotate Automatically rotate (correct) images if the rotation flag is set on the image. bit (0 or 1) 0
$url The URL of the file to upload. ResourceSpace will copy the file to the local system then import it to the specified resource. string ""

Return values

The operation success (true/false).