Fairtrade communications staff around the world really appreciate ResourceSpace. It's proven invaluable as a one-stop for sharing and storing all our images and brand assets. I don't know how we'd manage without it!
29th July 2024
We’re very excited to launch ResourceSpace 10.4, which includes lots of improvements and will continue to enhance your experience in the system. Read on for a video and summary showing how you can make the most of the latest developments:
In ResourceSpace 10.4, there’s a new, improved layout for the resource view page. This is now more compact, and ensures that all the important information like download links, actions and as much metadata as possible is instantly visible when viewing a resource. Preview sizes have been combined into a single dropdown menu too.
We’ve also introduced two new options when sharing resources externally:
We’ve introduced new functionality when using the ‘Edit all resources’ function to batch edit values in a fixed list field to make it easier to see how many resources in your result set are tagged with each value.
In 10.4, whenever you go to ‘Edit all resources’, you’ll see the existing values associated with the resources you’re editing displayed, along with numbers that indicate how many resources in your set are tagged with each value.
For fixed list fields, it’s also easier to deprecate any options that you don’t need any more. This will stop users from tagging new resources with these outdated values, although the data will be kept so users can still search using it.
To deprecate a field option, go to Admin>System>Metadata fields then click into the field whose option you’d like to deprecate, click ‘Manage options’ and then ‘Disable’ next to the option you’d like to deprecate. This will save automatically and the value will have a line through it. You can re-enable it just by clicking ‘Enable’.
Note: this feature is for fixed list fields only, and with category trees, if the parent value is disabled then all the child values are automatically disabled too. If all child values are disabled, the parent can still be active.
When choosing which image is shown on a featured collection tile cover, there’s now a new option to use the most recently added resource for this, based on the highest resource ID.
ResourceSpace’s IIIF support has been enhanced, and now includes support for video and audio files.
There’s now an option to just have the thumbnail and preview image sizes created during upload, with any other variations processed later.
The CSV upload plugin now has the ability to update the access and status of resources in bulk.
Four new user interface languages are available to use in ResourceSpace - Czech, Hindi, Korean & Turkish.
Visit the versions page for full details about ResourceSpace 10.4.