Case Study: ResourceSpace + The History of Science Museum

Discover how ResourceSpace helped the History of Science Museum overcome challenges with their digital assets, including the lack of compulsory information and synchronization issues. With ResourceSpace and EMu integrated, the museum now has a seamless system for storing and managing their vast collection. Read the full case study to learn more.

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ResourceSpace 10.1 - GPT-3 Integration and Uppy Companion Uploader

We're thrilled to announce ResourceSpace 10.1! With exciting new features like GPT-3 integration and the Uppy Companion uploader, managing and sharing your digital assets has never been easier. Save time and effort with GPT-3's ability to generate metadata based on plain English commands, and easily upload files from alternative locations with the Uppy Companion uploader. Check out our blog to learn more about these game-changing features!

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