ResourceSpace has changed the way the DEC uses content, making it much easier for us to quickly make assets available both internally and externally during our emergency appeals.
Case Study: ResourceSpace + The Ashmolean Museum
5th September 2023
We caught up with Christopher Monaghan, Museum Systems Implementation Manager at the Ashmolean Museum, to discuss how ResourceSpace has helped bring their digital asset management processes into the 21st Century. Learn how ResourceSpace and MuseumPlus integration has provided the museum with a seamless workflow and a single source of truth for their digital assets.
Version 8.1: Say hello to Image Recognition
30th March 2017
ResourceSpace version 8.1 is here, and we're excited to introduce image recognition capabilities with integration to Google Vision API. This update also includes a central hub for task management and faster download speeds for large collections. Stay ahead of the curve with ResourceSpace.