How Digital Asset Management guards against AI deepfakes

We explore the issue of AI deepfakes, including the implications for your organisation and how Digital Asset Management can guard against them.

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A peek into ResourceSpace's future plans with the ResourceSpace CTO

ResourceSpace's CTO, Dan Huby, shares the company's future plans for digital asset management (DAM) in this article. With a focus on real-world usage and user experience, ResourceSpace aims to make DAM easier and more efficient for its users, from charitable organizations to commercial enterprises. By continuously improving functionality and simplicity, ResourceSpace is committed to providing a reliable and down-to-earth tool for managing digital assets.

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Digital Asset Management in 2023: What's in store for the industry?

In our latest blog post, we take a look at what 2023 has in store for the Digital Asset Management industry. With the growing role of AI and machine learning, as well as continued market consolidation, it's an exciting time for DAM. Find out more about the future of DAM in our article.

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What is Google Cloud Vision?

Discover how the Google Cloud Vision API uses machine learning to identify and categorize images, from objects to emotions. Learn how developers can integrate this powerful image recognition capability into their software for enhanced search and metadata.

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Intelligent imagery: how AI will change the future of DAM software

Intelligent imagery is the future of DAM software, as AI and machine learning revolutionize file sharing workflows. ResourceSpace is incorporating groundbreaking capabilities into their software, allowing for automatic identification and tagging of objects and faces within images. This level of automation reduces the level of knowledge and training required to effectively use DAM technology, making it more intuitive and efficient for professional organizations.

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