How the Centre for Ageing Better is using ResourceSpace

No two days are the same in the not-for-profit sector.

It can be business as usual one minute, followed by the need to launch an emergency campaign the next.

At ResourceSpace we're proud of our work with the not-for-profit sector, not least with The Centre for Ageing Better, who are using ResourceSpace's Digital Asset Management (DAM) system to fight back against the stereotypes of old age.

What is The Centre for Ageing Better?

The Centre for Ageing Better is a not-for-profit organisation based in London. The organisation was founded with the objective of supporting and empowering people aged 50 and above. Behind this mission is a clear understanding of the demographic challenges our society faces, since it's estimated that by 2050, 25% of the population in Western countries will be over the age of 65.

This charitable organisation is fully aware of the fact that living longer doesn't necessarily mean living better, and aims to address this through its programmes. Underscoring the organisation's actions is the desire to create a more inclusive society and healthier, stronger, and more resilient communities. At practical level, this is achieved by targeting the isolation and loneliness that often affect ageing individuals and informing policies that combat these issues.

The organisation's work covers key areas like health, housing and community involvement. More importantly, the Centre for Ageing Better devotes much of its work to transforming the current narrative and perceptions of ageing. This can be done by creating age-positive images that challenge and eventually change negative stereotypes about this life stage.

How they're using ResourceSpace

ResourceSpace has played a crucial role in helping The Centre for Ageing Better move ahead with its goals. Recently, the organisation launched a free digital library of positive and realistic images of ageing individuals. The goal of this project was to depict old age in a positive light through the impact of visual imagery.

"It is critical we start showing the diversity of people and their experiences of old age in the UK today," said Anna Dixon, Chief Executive at the Centre for Ageing Better.

"This new library of images is designed to include a more positive and realistic portrayal of later life."

The library project is organised around the Centre's priority areas of work: health, housing, work, communities, and digital inclusion. In total, the library contains more than 400 high resolution images that challenge stereotypical perceptions of old age.

"Representations of old age in the media are too often stereotypical and outdated, relying on images like wrinkly hands or skydiving grannies, rather than celebrating the diversity of people and experiences," said Anna.

"Images, like language, shape the way we think about old age and ageing. Given so many more of us are living longer, it's time we started using more realistic and positive imagery."

Choosing ResourceSpace for this project helped the Centre rise to the challenges involved in securely managing digital assets - and they had a large amounts of digital files to manage. ResourceSpace can be fully customised for a smooth brand fit. The software also allows seamless collaboration and sharing, features a fast search engine, and comes with built-in analytics tools that make it easy to measure success. All these functions are delivered under a secure and private platform, whose settings can be adjusted as needed.

ResourceSpace is the tool that can propel your organisation forward by simplifying digital asset management. Our platform offers a quick and easy way of managing and curating your organisation's digital access.

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